Editor's review
    Passwords are the key to most of your important documents and resources. It is difficult if you lose even a single one of them. To maintain it, update it and protect it is very important. With Password Storage you can store your passwords very easily.
    Once you load this software, you will come across two lists, one would have the Internet resources as the main headings of resources of Internet, URL, the name of programs etc. are stored, and the second list would be of passwords - where passwords, names etc are stored directly. This software will let gives you the capability of keeping your passwords from unauthorized user. With this software you can also do many other things like; you can generate passwords, encrypt files, and support unlimited number of files containing passwords. You can also Set up only one password protect access to the file containing all your passwords and resources.
    This software will not interfere with your regular work. It will just stay in the system tray very quietly. The interface is also user-friendly for ease of use.
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